I am a Valley Girl and these are my confessions...

14 September 2011

Looking for that Ken doll

The type of guys i went after seemed to be the typical "bad boys" so i thought hey why don't i try a different type of guy this time maybe the "nerd" type but my "nerd" wasn't quite a nerd he was more of just a quiet shy guy on the outside but a hardcore rocker guy on the inside....anyways... the way i met him was on facebook. [yeah i know don't find guys on facebook blah blah blah but he found me so ease up] He sent me this long sweet message about how i was to pretty to be down [apparently i had been venting to much on my facebook status] and that if i need to talk he would talk to me ..at that point i was like yeah thats what i need to tell a complete STRANGER my love life problems.[go figure a couple weeks later i would be making a public blog expressing all my issues :/ ] anyways so i was at work one day just checking people out like normal and to my surprise here was this guy from facebook completely stunned to find me there ..he was so stunned that he walked into a display on his way out & later that night when i checked his status it said..

"today i met an angel"

So how could i refuse a date from like the sweetest guy ever? ...i couldn't..i had to give it a try...

So we agreed to meet at the the rivermarket and get something to eat and then go for a walk and then everything went wrong.

  • he showed up late 20 MINUTES LATE [he didn't even say anything about it he was just late]
  • he didn't even OFFER to pay for my food even though i already had planned to pay for my food he didn't even offer ..not even once..
  • during eating he told me the horror stories of him working as a butcher in walmart...it wasn't like i was trying to eat or anything
  • he complained about his job almost the whole date [hello aren't you supposed to be getting to know me?!]
  • he insisted on going on a walk ..which turned out to be a very long walk in the cold... not cool
  • at the end of the night he tried to get a kiss but it was as if he was to scared to just do it so he leans in and gives me a hug and get this WALKS away to his car while my car is at least a five minute walk away like seriously your going to let me walk back to my car.... alone... at night ...downtown ?! are you serious?
so yeah he texted me a couple times after that and i never responded but somehow i ended up feeling bad about not responding


FX777222999 said...

Getting to know each other..try it girl..go on exploring other guys..

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